My favorites:
TheCouponsApp is made for the Android and offers lots of great coupons. The main screen lets you know the average price of gas in your area and where you can get the best price. There is a list of coupons that you can take advantage of without every needing a piece of paper. To redeem, just bring your phone into the business and show it to the cashier, they'll be able to look at the coupon and give you the discount. They have coupons for restaurants, shops, bookstores, entertainment, and more. One out of every ten Android owners has this app, if you don't, you should.
The Cellfire app has grocery offers and a few retail offers. What I love about it is that it ties directly into your Fry's VIP card (so far that's the only local grocery store). You can flip through and select what coupons you'd like and they'll be loaded directly onto your Fry's VIP card. So you'll get all of the savings with none of the frustration or embarassment of handing over a stack of coupons. Cellfire will also work on your computer, but the app is so convenient. If you're using Cellfire for retail offers, just hand your phone to the cashier to look at. A very easy way to save.
Couponsherpa is an iPhone app that brings lots of local coupons directly to your phone. The interesting thing about this app is that each coupon comes with a barcode that the cashier can actually scan. I don't have an iPhone, but I've heard that a lot of people really like this app!
The Alicia's Deals in AZ iPhone, Android, and Blackberry app should be out right around Christmas! This free app will help you live life better for less in our beautiful state! Please look out for it. :-)
If you'd like more information about these apps, or direct invitations to join them, please e-mail me at
To get a daily e-mail with all of the best deals of the day, please send an e-mail to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
-Alicia :-)