If you're going to take part in the Cyber Monday sales, don't forget to start at http://www.ebates.com/rf.do?referrerid=PYsd5504MxusGMSqblr9wQ%3D%3D to save even more. They'll track your purchases and send you a percentage back. Right now you can get double ebates at lots of stores!
Anntaylor.com you'll get 6% back
Bananarepublic.com you'll get 8% back
Barnes and Noble (bn.com) you'll get 8% back
Thebodyshop.com you'll get 10% back
Disneystore.com you'll get 10% back
Dell.com you'll get 4% back
Hp.com you'll get 6% back
Homedepot.com you'll get 6% back
Macys.com you'll get 5% back
Nordstrom.com you'll get 5% back
Sears.com you'll get 4% back
Snapfish.com you'll get 13% back
Staples.com you'll get 4% back
Walmart.com you'll get 2% back
Check it out, you'll love how much you save!
-Alicia :-)